Thursday, October 22, 2009

Think Arete, The manifesto

Hello again faithful Blog viewers, and new viewers as well!

Today's installment of Optimizing You is something that really hits home for me, and covers something very important for you!

We all (Should) understand the importance of good nutrition in our lives, and the role that fitness should play in our lives, but one of the most important, and most overlooked aspects of our lives is MENTAL HEALTH!

Thoughts are things. When you have a positive outlook on life, it will manifest itself into a positive life for you. One of the most defeating things, is not living up to your potential. It's that piece in your life that's often missing for most people and is why we all aren't as positive as we want to be, or think we should be. This is a piece I discovered from Brian Johnson. It's called "The Think Arete Manifesto" Arete is a greek word that means Virtue, or Excellence. The gist of it in this case though is LIVING TO YOUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL!

Here is a link to where I found it. You can find the text to it also. I recommend printing it out and keeping it somewhere that you will see every day!

Here is my version of Think Arete, the manifesto!

The moral of the story... Dare to dream. Turn your dreams into goals. Define what it is that you want, be specific, then set a deadline. A goal is just a dream with a deadline. Keep your goals around you and remember them every day. With determination, there is nothing that you cannot achieve if you have DECIDED that you will accomplish it! You will be surprised just how much the simple task of having goals will do for your health!

As always, leave your COMMENTS, or concerns, and questions. Let me know what you would like to see in the next installment of Optimizing You! Send me E-mails at

Your Feedback, and COMMENTS are what keeps me going, and keeps the content fresh, so KEEP THEM COMING!

Also don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the blog if you haven't done so already. Optimizing You is also available as a PODCAST.

In Health,
-Brian Sullivan


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  1. Very nice! I think the idea come across well.

    Dream Big,

  2. Well done your Haiku worked great at inspiring the dialogue to reach here!
