Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Skipping Meals?

"I'm too busy to eat breakfast. Oh well it will be okay."

How many times have those words come out of your mouth? Probably too many to count. We never think too much about. Our philosophy eventually determines our actions, which eventually determines our lifestyle.


Skipping meals, especially breakfast can cause your body to look for higher calorie foods later in the day, causing you to gain weight, and store that food as fat. Eating breakfast will give your body the energy you need to think properly, and go about your daily routine. It's been said that people who skip breakfast on a routine basis gain an extra 8 pounds per year on average.

It's not just breakfast!

Skipping lunch or dinner can have the same effects. Your body will go into Survival mode and try to store as many of the calories as it can from your next meal as FAT.

Experts Recommend that you eat more frequent meals during the day, with smaller portions. Instead of filling your plate, or eating those last bites of food that you have to force down your throat, save it for later! There is a reason you are feeling full!

I'll cover some solutions in the next video...

Until then, make sure you are making smart choices for breakfast, stay away from the sugary processed cereals, and High Fructose Corn Syrup laden syrups on your pancakes. Google is an amazing tool and there are many recipes at your fingertips for healthy alternatives!

Make sure that you leave your COMMENTS and questions in the box, or send them to me via E-mail at BrianSullivan@YorHealth.com

Your Feedback, and COMMENTS are what keeps me going, and keeps the content fresh, so KEEP THEM COMING!

Also don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the blog if you haven't done so already. Optimizing You is also available as a PODCAST.


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Monday, September 14, 2009

Got Misconceptions?

Hello Readers!

There will always be people trying to tell you what they "Know" about health and nutrition. There are going to be misconceptions flying at you from all angles! Now a days most people don't know what to believe, or take advice from people who have goals much different than their own. Coming soon to this blog will be a series of videos highlighting a few of the common misconceptions about health, and giving you that advice that you need to achieve your own personal goals.

Answering questions like:

What is good for you to eat?

What do I have to do to trim that belly fat?

How long do i need to work out?

Do I have to spend hours in the gym or on the treadmill?

What kind of supplements should I take?

Debunking myths like:

If I work out then I can eat whatever I want.

If I eat right then I don't have to work out.

Some people are just lucky, I can't get in shape

I don't need supplements, I can get everything I need from my food.

Skinny people are healthy.

And much more!

Remember to keep your feedback coming in! What kinds of questions do you have about Health, nutrition, fitness, staying positive, or leadership topics.

E-mail your questions to me at BrianSullivan@YorHealth.com

More to come later this week!

Until then,

Stay Healthy, and take steps to Optimizing your life every day!
-Brian Sullivan


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Thursday, September 10, 2009


Get My Blog Updates

Here's a question:

What do you guys want to see/hear. What are questions that you have about Health, fitness, positivity, motivation or leadership? Since Ultimately I'm here for you, what kind of content do you want to receive?

E-mail me your questions @ BrianSullivan@YorHealth.com
Or Use the comment box below.

(If you don't see the comment box, click the title of this blog, or click HERE)

Until next time, Stay Healthy!
-Brian Sullivan

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Intro. The begining of a great journey

Subscribe in a reader

Hey everyone!

Thanks for checking out the Blog. I really do appreciate everyone who checks out the info, and leaves me their comments and opinions.

My goal is to deliver to you content, for optimizing your life. These will be answers to questions I get frequently already, as well as new ones that you guys will send to me. Mostly on Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Positivity, Motivation, and Leadership topics.

I want to deliver this content to you in Video form mainly because I think it's more interesting, and because I can shoot it anywhere, any time the mood strikes me! As it is right now, I shoot everything from my I-Phone 3GS.

Big shout out to my very good friend Cedric, for all the help he does with editing, and videography. He's the man when it comes to techincal stuff, so I let him do that, until I have more time to learn, and even then he still might do it, because I can get lazy.

The goal is to be interactive. E-mail me at YorHealthBrian@Gmail.comorHealthBrian@Gmail.com with questions, comments, feedback, or just to harass me if you feel the need!

(If you don't see the comment box, click the title of this blog, or click HERE)

-Brian Sullivan

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